Après avoir reçu un appel de John Ruane, le Directeur de Campagne de la Fondation Naturwatch - Ukraine mettant en avant la triste situation des animaux en Ukraine, les Ambassadeurs dans tous les pays de World Animal Day ont décidé de se mobiliser en envoyant une lette au Président de l'Ukraine afin d'exprimer notre indignation et de demander que des mesures soient prises. La lettre signée par les 75 Ambassadeurs World Animal Day sera publiée dans les journaux Ukréniens.
En tant qu'Ambassadrice en France pour World Animal Day, j'ai signé la lettre, publiée en bas de page.
Il ne s'agit pas seulement des chiens errants ou maltraités, laissés sans soins et sans nourriture dans les enfers que sont les refuges en Ukraine, il s'agit d'une contamination de maltraitances étendue à tous les animaux, que ce soit dans les zoos où une giraffe Maya, est morte de problèmes diggestifs ou de Théo, le zèbre qui a fini par mourrir à force de se cogner la tête contre les barrières métalliques, au zoo de Kiev. Boy, l'éléphant également mort alors qu'il était la fierté du zoo. Nous demandons la fermeture du zoo de Kiev qui est un vrai camp de concentration pour les animaux.
Le pire est à venir : En vue des championnats du monde UEFA 2012 qui auront lieu en Ukraine, les autorités Ukréniennes ont prévu de tuer les animaux errants !!! Mobilisons-nous tous pour tous les animaux innocents : vous puvez envoyer une lettre à l'UEFA en Suisse par le site de la Fondation Naturwatch afin de protester, en anglais ou en Francais. Lettre à UEFA
World Animal Day Ambassadors rebuke the Government of Ukraine
in matters of Animal Welfare
in matters of Animal Welfare
Dear President Yanukovych
On the occasion of World Animal Day (4 October) we, the undersigned, have taken the unprecedented decision to issue this open letter to the Government of Ukraine regarding its appalling record of wicked and wanton abuse of animals.
Since Ukraine gained independence 20 years ago, both national and international animal welfarists have sought to assist and support the country to reduce and end animal cruelty. Despite great attention given to the Ukrainian authorities by animal welfare organisations, including producing the first ever animal protection act to pass into Ukrainian law, the level of cruelty is today even worse than 20 years ago. It is even more widespread and endemic than ever before.
The never-ending barbaric, illegal poisoning and gruesome killing of stray animals by local authorities has caused outrage throughout the world. There is no place in the 21st Century for such brutal treatment of animals and should have been consigned to the history books long ago. As well as being totally ineffective in reducing the stray population, it is a complete waste of taxpayers money. The fact that Ukraine has allowed it to continue unabated is an affront to all civilised societies.
The conditions of the animals at the national zoo in Kyiv is so bad that all international zoo association’s refuse to allow membership to Ukraine. Kyiv Zoo is noted as being one of the very worst zoos in the world.
What makes the situation even more abhorrent, is that the authorities are fully aware of modern, humane and effective animal welfare methods and are fully able to fund such activities, yet they choose to ignore and break even the Ukraine national law on animal welfare.
In addition, although Ukraine is a member of the Council of Europe, indeed it currently holds the presidency, it fails to adhere to the convention on stray animal control. Likewise, as a member of the World Organisation for Animal Health (OiE), Ukraine fails again to give attention to the regulations of the OiE on animal welfare policies.
Mr President, as guarantor of Ukraine’s constitution and in the interests of Ukrainian citizens, we ask that you take immediate action to address and resolve all issues relating to the cruel treatment of animals in Ukraine in a democratic and legal manner.
Yours sincerely
Anouk de Winter
World Animal Day Ambassador in France
As to support the Foundation Naturwatch work in Ukraine, The 75 World Animal Day Ambassadors are joinqing forces in sending a letter to the President of Ukraine to protest the animals dramatic situation in Ukraine. This is why .. the Ambassadors letter is published here above.
ENGLISH As to support the Foundation Naturwatch work in Ukraine, The 75 World Animal Day Ambassadors are joinqing forces in sending a letter to the President of Ukraine to protest the animals dramatic situation in Ukraine. This is why .. the Ambassadors letter is published here above.
Over the past 20 years, the country of Ukraine has generally been acknowledged as the most difficult in Europe in respect of animal cruelty issues. Many of the other former soviet union states quickly adopted European Union membership and complied with EU directives and legislation. Ukraine, however, has been content to remain outside the EU which has created a situation whereby it continues to use barbaric and inhumane stray control methods.
Despite many years of lobbying the Ukrainian government from within Ukraine, little progress has been made and hundreds of thousands of stray animals are brutally killed each year. Naturewatch has given great attention to Ukraine during this time lobbying for the introduction of humane methods, but without success. We launched a special website 'naturewatch.eu' devoted only to Ukraine because of the massive extent of animal cruelty in that country, which extends way beyond its treatment of stray animals.
In July this year, the presidency of the EU was assumed by Poland (until the end of 2011) and Ukraine wishes to use this opportunity to seek EU privileges such as visa free travel and trade concessions – but is offering nothing in return. This will put Ukraine high on the political agenda in the EU until the end of this year and, for the first time ever, allow us to lobby EU parliamentarians to persuade Ukraine to adopt western animal welfare standards.
This is a major and extremely rare opportunity to exert outside influence on the Ukrainian authorities. In this respect we feel it would be extremely valuable to issue an open letter to the President of Ukraine.
Despite many years of lobbying the Ukrainian government from within Ukraine, little progress has been made and hundreds of thousands of stray animals are brutally killed each year. Naturewatch has given great attention to Ukraine during this time lobbying for the introduction of humane methods, but without success. We launched a special website 'naturewatch.eu' devoted only to Ukraine because of the massive extent of animal cruelty in that country, which extends way beyond its treatment of stray animals.
In July this year, the presidency of the EU was assumed by Poland (until the end of 2011) and Ukraine wishes to use this opportunity to seek EU privileges such as visa free travel and trade concessions – but is offering nothing in return. This will put Ukraine high on the political agenda in the EU until the end of this year and, for the first time ever, allow us to lobby EU parliamentarians to persuade Ukraine to adopt western animal welfare standards.
This is a major and extremely rare opportunity to exert outside influence on the Ukrainian authorities. In this respect we feel it would be extremely valuable to issue an open letter to the President of Ukraine.